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InfoQ Homepage Presentations 10 Platforms in 30 Minutes–Powered by Eclipse

10 Platforms in 30 Minutes–Powered by Eclipse



Jonas Helming, Maximilian Koegel develop a simple client-server app using a variety of Eclipse frameworks and producing 10 different versions of the same client running on the multiple platforms.


Jonas Helming is coleader of EclipseSource Munich. He is project lead of EMF Forms, EMFStore and EMF Client Platform. He regularly speaks at conferences such as Jax, OOP, WJax and EclipseCon. Maximilian Koegel is coleader of EclipseSource Munich and works as a consultant and software engineer for Eclipse technologies.

About the conference

EclipseCon North America is the annual conference for the Eclipse community. It is an opportunity for developers who use Eclipse technology to learn, explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse technology and software development.

Recorded at:

Jul 01, 2015