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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Crushed by Technical Debt?

Crushed by Technical Debt?



Scott W. Ambler explores disciplined agile strategies to avoid and remove existing technical debt, how to fund the removal of technical debt, and related industry data.


Scott W. Ambler is the Senior Consulting Partner of Scott Ambler + Associates, working with organizations around the world to help them to improve their software processes. Scott is the founder of the Agile Modeling (AM), Agile Data (AD), Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), and Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) methodologies. He is the (co-)author of several books.

About the conference

The Toronto Agile Community is a non-profit, volunteer group founded to bring together agile enthusiasts and expand agile practices in the Greater Toronto Area.

Recorded at:

Dec 25, 2015