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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Does Your Team Fit? From Idea to International Success, Practical Tips and Lessons Learnt

Does Your Team Fit? From Idea to International Success, Practical Tips and Lessons Learnt



Francois Mazoudier shares some of the stories he came across while building businesses from scratch to IPO, academic models he developed and several real life examples.


Francois Mazoudier is co-founder and Managing Partner of Tech Leaders Capital, a tech CEO co-investment club. He has 20 years+ experience in TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom), early stage Venture Capital and M&A. He held various senior management positions at Central Point Software, Real Networks, The Cloud, and PictureTel. He was co-founder of Speed Ventures, and is a Venture Partner at LD&A.

About the conference

Stretch will feature innovative, resourceful, and inspirational leaders sharing their real world stories on their success (and sometimes their failures). They will talk about the challenges of building successful teams and leading organizations. Get inspired by stories from companies that have got the most out of the people that work for them in the face of every conceivable (and inconceivable) challenge out there.

Recorded at:

Feb 09, 2014