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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Growing C++ Software Guided by Tests

Growing C++ Software Guided by Tests



Alan Griffiths shares the organizational process, the technological challenges and the solutions adopted by a team developing a C++ systems component.


Alan Griffiths’ expertise covers a range of programming languages, tools and platforms. He’s a long term C++ user, Chair of the ACCU and a member of the BSI C++ Panel. He has published articles in ACCU Overload, Java Report, C/C++ Users Journal, and EXE, and was a contributor to “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know”.

About the conference

ACCU is an organisation for anyone interested in developing and improving programming skills. ACCU welcomes everyone who is interested in any programming language. ACCU supports its members by hosting mailing lists, running a yearly conference, publishing journals and organising online study groups.

Recorded at:

Oct 04, 2013