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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Upon Retrospective: the Board Went Agile

Upon Retrospective: the Board Went Agile



Sandra Davey and Alan Kirkland discuss their ‘accidental’ Agile journey, and how and why they’re practicing new ways of working.


Sandra Davey is Founder of Product Space. With a deep love of digital product management, she’s been involved in more than 30 digital (hardware and software) products across B2C and B2B. Alan Kirkland is making sure that CHOICE stays relevant to the needs of Australia’s consumers, all while having a little fun along the way.

About the conference

AgileAus relies on the goodwill of a diverse and welcoming cohort of community members who are united in their belief in the value that can be created by Agile.We welcome you to make connections that matter, stay in the loop and receive ideas and inspiration you need to motivate you along your journey by joining the community.

Recorded at:

Nov 02, 2019