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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Coaching Teams through Change

Coaching Teams through Change



Rachel Davies shares advice on how to dissolve barriers to adopting new working practices and get a team moving in the right direction.


Rachel Davies is co-author of the first “Agile Coaching” book and works in UK as Agile Coach at Unruly Media. Internationally recognized and presenting at industry conferences worldwide, Rachel started out working as a software developer and has been an agile practitioner since 2000 applying a range of agile methods including XP, SCRUM, Lean/Kanban, and DSDM. Follow her @rachelcdavies

About the conference

CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and it is a compass on new technologies, trends.

Recorded at:

Aug 31, 2014