InfoQ Homepage Presentations Codan - a Code Analysis Framework for CDT
Codan - a Code Analysis Framework for CDT
Elena Laskavaia explains how to write a simple C/C++ checker to find errors in code with Code Analysis Framework (codan) and the AST introspection APIs of the CDT.
Elena Laskavaia is currently the Technical Lead for the QNX IDE/Tools group, specializing in application profiling, memory analysis and debugging tools. Also Elena is a committer on Eclipse CDT project (C/C++ Development tools) and author of Code Analysis framework for CDT (Codan). Prior to QNX, Elena was designing static analysis tools for C, C++ and Java (at Klocwork).
About the conference
EclipseCon North America is the annual conference for the Eclipse community. It is an opportunity for developers who use Eclipse technology to learn, explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse technology and software development.