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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Building a Distributed Data Ingestion System with RabbitMQ

Building a Distributed Data Ingestion System with RabbitMQ



Alvaro Videla shows how to build a system that can ingest data produced at separate locations and replicate it across regions using RabbitMQ.


Alvaro Videla works as Developer Advocate for RabbitMQ/Pivotal. Before moving to Europe he used to work in Shanghai where he helped building one of Germany's biggest dating websites. He co-authored the book "RabbitMQ in Action" for Manning Publishing. Some of his open source projects can be found here: Twitter: @old_sound.

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CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and it is a compass on new technologies, trends.

Recorded at:

Aug 17, 2014