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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Targeting Your Audience: Data Visualization to Communicate Data Insights

Targeting Your Audience: Data Visualization to Communicate Data Insights



Randy Krum explains how to use the power of data visualization to convey actionable insights to an audience, making data clear and memorable by showing the audience what the data means.


Randy Krum is the author of the book, “Cool Infographics,” and the website, Randy is also Founder and President of InfoNewt, an infographics design and visual consulting company. Randy speaks at conferences, universities, corporate events, and government agencies about infographic design, data visualization methods, visual content marketing, and the effective use of visuals.

About the conference

Managing Big Data has become a major competitive advantage for many organizations and hence maintaining a proper analytics platform is vital for an organization's survival. This conference provides insights and potential solutions to address Big Data issues from well known experts and thought leaders through panel sessions and open Q&A sessions.

Recorded at:

Dec 16, 2016