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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Customer Insight, from Data to Information

Customer Insight, from Data to Information



Thore Thomassen shares from experience how to combine structured data in a DWH with unstructured data in NoSQL, and using parallel data warehouse appliances to boost the analytical capabilities.


Thore Thomassen was central in Storebrand’s development of a SOA implementation and was also a major contributor when Storebrand introduced Agile development methods 14 years ago. He was part of a team of 5 people, responsible for adapting and implementing LEAN in Storebrand and worked as a LEAN navigator for 2 years.

About the conference

Begun in 2012 this now annual conference hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania brings the best of the developer world to the Baltic's. The overall theme is building stuff, we have a heavy focus on lessons from trenches from the people that were there.

Recorded at:

Mar 27, 2015