InfoQ Homepage Presentations Hacking Selenium
Hacking Selenium
In this presentation, Jason Huggins discusses why Selenium exists, Selenium as a functional testing tool, problems with using Selenium, the history of Selenium, JWebUnit, DriftWood, JsUnit, Fit, Selenium core, Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control, Selenium Grid, issues encountered doing functional testing in the browser, and Selenium hacks to work around these issues.
Jason Huggins is the co-founder of Sauce Labs, where the focus is on cloud-based web application testing. He currently works and lives just west of Chicago. Jason is the creator of the Selenium web automation framework. Besides enjoying programming with Python, JavaScript, and ABJ (Anything But Java), he likes to hack on Arduino-based projects, like Ambient Orb clones.
About the conference
JSConf 2009 is a conference devoted to the programming language we all love to hate and hate to love, JavaScript. This is conference will be thoughtful, content driven, and exemplify the very nature of JavaScript. The core focus of this conference is to expose some of the details about JavaScript that are often overlooked and present them more as a discussion with the audience. The content of the conference should cater to all types of JavaScript users from client interfaces to server development to testing. No matter which programming language you love, you know of the pleasure and pain of JavaScript programming.