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InfoQ Homepage Presentations When Code Reacts to Data

When Code Reacts to Data



Jessica Kerr introduces a different way of thinking about I/O, delaying all side-effects to the end, illustrating manipulating code as data, and at the same time letting data influence the code.


Jessica Kerr (@jessitron) writes Scala for a living. She's still recovering from ten years of Enterprise Java. For entertainment, she blogs and speaks about functional programming and git, sneaking in a little cognitive science. Jessica is a native of StrangeLoop - I mean, St. Louis. In between user groups, she leads two children on crazy adventures.

About the conference

Code Mesh London is an annual conference dedicated to non-mainstream languages and technologies. In 2013 it featured over 50 talks from experts in languages, libraries, operating systems and technologies that handle the programming and business challenges of today. Languages discussed include Haskell, Clojure, Erlang, Elixir, Rust, Go and Julia.

Recorded at:

Feb 16, 2014