InfoQ Homepage Presentations Reducing Microservices Architecture Complexity with Istio and Kubernetes
Reducing Microservices Architecture Complexity with Istio and Kubernetes
Microservices architecture can be complex to configure. It's easy to have a single stack that makes everything work. But what if you have a polyglot environment? How can all of the stack address the same concerns in a consistent way? This is where a service mesh comes in. Ray Tsang introduces Istio, an open source service mesh framework created by Google, IBM, and Lyft, showing how it works.
Ray Tsang is Developer Advocate, Google.
About the conference
Pivotal Training offers a series of hands-on, technical courses prior to SpringOne Platform. Classes are scheduled two full days before the conference and provide you and your team an opportunity to receive in-depth, lab-based training across some of the latest Pivotal technologies.