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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Configuring the Spring Container

Configuring the Spring Container



In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, Rod Johnson discusses the Spring Framework. Topics covered include the philosophy behind Spring, configuring the Spring container, XML configuration, new XML configuration namespaces, Annotation-based configuration, automatic component annotation scanning, Spring JavaConfig, mixing configuration types, and Spring 2.5 new features.


Rod is the father of Spring. The Spring Framework began in February 2003, based on the Interface21 framework published with Rod's best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development. Rod is one of the world's leading authorities on Java and J2EE development. He is a best-selling author, experienced consultant, and open source developer, as well as a popular conference speaker.

About the conference

QCon is a conference that is organized by the community, for the community.The result is a high quality conference experience where a tremendous amount of attention and investment has gone into having the best content on the most important topics presented by the leaders in our community.QCon is designed with the technical depth and enterprise focus of interest to technical team leads, architects, and project managers.

Recorded at:

May 29, 2008