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InfoQ Homepage Presentations One Team's Experience Using Kanban for Maintenance & Support, and Small Projects

One Team's Experience Using Kanban for Maintenance & Support, and Small Projects



Stuart Williams shares from experience how his company implemented Kanban, what worked for them in handling maintenance, support and a number of small projects.


Stuart Williams has over 25 years of experience in Software Development, Operations, and Teaching. He has taught University Computer Science, run a successful consulting practice, and worked for companies ranging in size from 10 to 25,000 employees. He loves learning, teaching, diagnosing and solving hard problems, automating as much as possible, and biking year round in Winnipeg.

About the conference

SDEC is an annual conference hosted by Protegra that attracts leading agile practitioners from around North America to share their real-world experiences gained through delivering technology-related solutions.

Recorded at:

Aug 02, 2015