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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Microservices - The One with the Polyglot Portfolio

Microservices - The One with the Polyglot Portfolio



James Lewis describes a common trait seen in organizations using microservices: decentralized governance based on polyglot programming and decentralized product teams.


James Lewis is a Principle Consultant for ThoughtWorks based in the UK and a member of the ThoughtWorks Technical Advisory Board. Most recently he has been helping to introduce Agile at various blue chip companies: Investment Banks, Publishers and media organizations. Most recently, James has been spending his time helping ThoughtWorks' clients develop enterprise software as a coding architect.

About the conference

Micro Services are a new paradigm for software architecture: small services in separated processes take the place of large applications. This way monolithic architecture can be avoided, and systems are easily scalable and changeable. The microXchg conference looks at a variety of aspects of Micro Services.

Recorded at:

Apr 15, 2015