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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Lessons Learned Migrating Complex Software

Lessons Learned Migrating Complex Software



Jack Franklin shares his experience migrating an application from Angular to React, presenting code examples and also the negative points of this migration.


Jack Franklin is a Senior JavaScript Developer at Songkick where he works on new features, refactors, and optimizations with React and Angular. In his free time, he’s usually obsessing over his Vim configuration or writing for his blog, JavaScript Playgroung. Jack is also the author of “Beginning jQuery” (Apress, 2012) and an eloquent speaker on Elm, front-end, build tools and frameworks.

About the conference

We believe in functional reactive programming. It makes us very happy, that React popularized FRP among the masses. We love React. In fact, we became the first agency in the world doing React development – our first React project began just a week after its release. However, it isn’t the only interesting technology out there. Back in 2015, we wanted to see sharing and cross-pollination of ideas from wider Reactive community, not only React. And we felt, something like that was missing. To change that, we decided to start a conference, where we would invite interesting and sometimes niche speakers representing the wide spectrum of modern functional technologies.

Recorded at:

Jan 28, 2018