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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Growing an Agile Culture

Growing an Agile Culture



Belinda Waldock explores what modern agile culture looks and feels like, and the attitudes, values and beliefs needed to grow and sustain a culture of agility in teams and organizations.


Belinda Waldock is a business coach, trainer, speaker and author. She supports organizations and teams to adopt an agile way of working to enhance their wellbeing, productivity and growth. Belinda’s book, Being Agile in Business is a popular non-technical introduction to agile thinking, approaches and culture.

About the conference

Many thanks for attending Aginext 2019, it has been amazing! We are now processing all your feedback and preparing the 2020 edition of Aginext the 19/20 March 2020. We will have a new website in a few Month but for now we have made Blind Tickets available on Eventbrite, so you can book today for Aginext 2020.

Recorded at:

Oct 12, 2019