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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Node4J: Running Node.js in a JavaWorld

Node4J: Running Node.js in a JavaWorld



Ian Bull introduces Node4J and explores the performance characteristics and highlights the tools that help one develop, debug and deploy Node.JS applications running directly on the JVM. He explains how to integrate Node.JS with Java through a JNI bridge, and demonstrates how to use this technology to bridge the gap between JavaScript and Java.


Ian Bull is an Eclipse committer and the Principal Architect for Yoxos Enterprise. Ian co-leads the Eclipse p2 project, serves on the Eclipse RT PMC, the Eclipse Planning Council and the Eclipse Architecture Council. His interests include software architecture, component-oriented design, release engineering, human-computer interaction and just about everything related to software engineering.

About the conference

EclipseCon is all about community. Contributors, adopters, extenders, service providers, consumers and business and research organizations gather to share their expertise and learn from each other. EclipseCon delivers networking opportunities that lead to synergies in the community, as well as opportunities to give and receive help on specific technical issues or to generate business opportunities.

Recorded at:

Apr 02, 2016