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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Open Agile Adoption - Reaching Escape Velocity

Open Agile Adoption - Reaching Escape Velocity



Stuart Turner explains how to achieve both rapid and sustained transformation with Open Agile Adoption which combines games, rites-of-passage and other techniques into a framework.


Stuart Turner provides consulting and coaching services to individuals, teams and organizations wanting to continually learn and improve. He is dedicated to helping people be happy and has worked for startups and Global 100 companies in the UK before moving to Singapore in 2011. He has been writing and delivering software for over 20 years on financial products and 3D computer aided modeling.

About the conference

Agile Singapore is a non-profit organisation that consists of a group of volunteers, whom have dedicated their time to raising the awareness of Agile Software Development in Singapore. Agile software development has its genesis in the Agile Manifesto and the principles brought forth there. It has since become a well known but not necessarily a well practiced way of doing software. Agile Singapore aims to further spread the awareness about agility in the context of software development as well as challenge and inspire those who are practicing agility to further successes.

Recorded at:

Apr 30, 2015