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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Large Scale Machine Learning for Payment Fraud Prevention

Large Scale Machine Learning for Payment Fraud Prevention



Venkatesh Ramanathan presents how advanced machine learning algorithms such as Deep Learning and Gradient Boosting are applied at PayPal for fraud prevention.


Venkatesh Ramanathan is a senior data scientist at PayPal where he is working on building state-of-the-art tools for payment fraud detection. He has over 20+ years experience in designing, developing and leading teams to build scalable server side software. Venkatesh has worked on various problems in the areas of Anti-Spam, Phishing Detection, and Face Recognition.

About the conference

Data Science is an emerging field that allows businesses to effectively mine historical data and better understand consumer behavior. This type of scientific data management approach is critical for any business to successfully launch its products and better serve its existing markets.

Recorded at:

Aug 05, 2017