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InfoQ Homepage Presentations A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt

A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt



Adam Tornhill introduces an approach with the potential to change how we view software systems, offering an overview of techniques, based on software evolution and findings from various fields within psychology, that help uncover both problematic code and the social dimension of the teams that build software. He illustrates each point with a case study from a real-world codebase.


Adam Tornhill is the founder and CTO of Empear, where he designs tools for software analysis. He’s also the author of Your Code as a Crime Scene, has written the popular Lisp for the Web tutorial, and self-published a book on patterns in C.

About the conference

Software is changing the world. QCon empowers software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the developer community. A practitioner-driven conference, QCon is designed for technical team leads, architects, engineering directors, and project managers who influence innovation in their teams.

Recorded at:

May 04, 2017