InfoQ Homepage Presentations Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 Containers
Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 Containers
Violeta Georgieva explains using the Servlet/Reactive Streams bridge to create reactive applications that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat or any Servlet 3.1 compatible containers.
Violeta Georgieva has more than 15 years of experience with Web containers and applications. She is a committer in several open source projects. In 2013 she became an Apache Tomcat committer. She has been working at Pivotal for the last year, focusing on Servlet 3.1/Reactive Streams bridge, reactive WebSocket client and server, and WebFlux performance.
About the conference
Pivotal Training offers a series of hands-on, technical courses prior to SpringOne Platform. Classes are scheduled two full days before the conference and provide you and your team an opportunity to receive in-depth, lab-based training across some of the latest Pivotal technologies.