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Resilience and Chaos Engineering in a Kubernetes World



The panelists discuss the tools, knowledge, and resources that can help achieve faster incident response and recovery times.


Supratip Banerjee is Solutions Architect and DevOps Leader. Soumyadip Chowdhury is Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat. Ana Medina is Senior Staff Developer Advocate at Lightstep. Uma Mukkara is Head of Chaos Engineering @Harness. Yury Niño Roa is Cloud Application Modernization Engineer @Google. Renato Losio is InfoQ Staff Editor | Cloud Expert | AWS Data Hero.

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Losio: In this session, we'll chat about resilience and more so chaos engineering in what we call a Kubernetes world.

Just a couple of words about the topic, what resilience and chaos engineering means in a Kubernetes world. Chaos engineering is not something new. Has been popular for many years, but container orchestration presents specific challenges. For example, we brought together experts: expert positions, five different ones from different backgrounds, different industries, different continents, to understand and to discuss together what's the best practice for chaos engineering and chaos testing.

My name is Renato Losio. I'm a cloud architect. Chaos engineering is a topic I'm super interested in, but it's not my area. I'm really keen to listen to the amazing panelists we have to know more about this topic. I'm an editor here at InfoQ. We are joined by five experts coming from different industries, different companies, different backgrounds.

Medina: My name is Ana Margarita Medina. I'm a Senior Staff Developer Advocate with ServiceNow Cloud Observability, formerly known as Lightstep. I got started in the topic of chaos engineering in 2016. I had the pleasure of working at Uber as a site reliability engineer, and I got a chance to work on the tooling that they had for chaos engineering, being on-call, maintaining it, and educating folks on how to use that. Then I went on to work for a chaos engineering vendor for four years, Gremlin. Getting folks started with chaos engineering, giving them material, getting them their first chaos game days and stuff like that, which was a lot of fun. Now I focus more on the world of observability, but it's always really nice to stay close to the world of reliability and tell folks like, you got to validate things with something like chaos engineering.

Banerjee: This is Supratip Banerjee. I work currently with EXFO as a senior architect. I have around two decades of industry experience. My specializations are around designing large scale and enterprise applications, DevOps ecosystem, cloud computing. I'm also an AWS Community Builder. I love exploring new technologies and tools. I came across chaos engineering in one of my previous employer, I was facing downtime issues with cloud based and also on-premise applications. I was looking for tools and technologies for resilience, which is one of the very important non-functional requirements. There I got introduced to chaos engineering concept. Afterwards, I tried Chaos Monkey, Chaos Toolkit, AWS FIS, all these different tools to take care of that.

Mukkara: I work as the head of chaos engineering at Harness. I came to Harness through the acquisition of my company, ChaosNative, which I created to build an enterprise version of LitmusChaos. That was my entry into the world of chaos engineering back in 2017. We were trying to test the resilience of some of the storage products, especially in Kubernetes. That was something new at that time, how to test the resilience of Kubernetes workloads. I ended up creating a new tool called LitmusChaos, and then open sourcing it, donating it to CNCF. Now it's in incubating level. It's been about 6 to 7 years of a journey in the world of chaos engineering, still learning from the large enterprises on what are the real challenges in adopting scaling. Really get something out of chaos engineering at the end of the day.

Losio: I'm sure we'll come back to open-source tools we can use to address all the challenges we're going to discuss.

Roa: I am Yury Niño. I work as application and monetization engineer in Google Cloud. About my professional journey. I have a bachelor's in systems engineering, a master's in computer science. I have worked as a software engineer, solutions architect, and SRE for probably 12 years. My first discovery of chaos engineering was 8 years ago. When I was working as a software engineer at Scotiabank. I had a challenge with resilience and the performance of [inaudible 00:07:08] that is a common architecture in our banks in Colombia. That was deployed in an on-premise infrastructure, and I used a circuit breaker to solve it. Chaos engineering was key in the process. I discovered chaos engineering at this moment. Since that moment, I have been involved in many initiatives related to that in my country, and in other places. Since I am a professor also at a university in Colombia, I've been researching how chaos engineering, human factors, and observability could be useful in solving challenging issues with the performance and reliability of the applications.

Chowdhury: My name is Soumyadip. I'm currently working in Red Hat for the last three years. I'm working in Red Hat as a senior software engineer. I mostly work on the backend cloud native, Kubernetes, and Open Shift. I came to know about chaos engineering for one requirement of our project, like to test the resilience of the microservices, what can be the hypothesis of the system. Then I explored few other tools, like Chaos Monkey, Chaos Mesh. I think Chaos Mesh is now a CNCF project. I have used that tool to build the ecosystem. There are a few other tools that I was also exploring, like Kraken and all. This is how I started my chaos journey. It's been three years in the chaos domain. Yes, still learning.

What is Chaos Engineering?

Losio: I think I heard already a few words that are coming multiple times from tools that have been used, Chaos Monkey, and whatever else. We would like to focus first on Kubernetes and what the specific challenges are in the Kubernetes world for chaos engineering. Just maybe, if anyone of you wants to give a couple of words first, what we mean by chaos engineering, what we don't mean by chaos engineering, because I heard so many definitions. I've brought myself to define it. Do you want to give just a very short intro, what we mean, usually, by chaos engineering, without really focusing on the topic?

Mukkara: I'll probably just start by saying what is not a real chaos engineering, that automatically cause what's chaos engineering. Chaos engineering is not just introducing faults. Chaos engineering is really about introducing faults and observing the system against your expectations. You need to know, define the steady state hypothesis, or what it means for the system to be resilient. Once you have a clear definition of it, then you start breaking the system or introducing some faults into the system, and start scoring against your expectation. Then start noting down your observations. Then use them however you want. Use them to take a decision, whether I move my deployment from left to right, or just create a bug and then stop everything or give some feedback. You can use it in many ways, but chaos engineering is really about introducing faults and observing against your expectations. That's really what it is.

Medina: It's very much doing the fault injection, but in a very thoughtful manner. You don't really want to be doing it in a random way, without communicating or anything like that. I think that's one of the biggest misconceptions sometimes. Of course, when you observe it, that's probably one of the best bets you can have. You want to know what the baseline of your system is, and you want to see how the chaos affects it as it goes on. Some folks forget that little part of like, it goes through the entire process of seeing how it would actually be like in a real-life system.

Common Pitfalls in Chaos Engineering

Losio: Before going really deep in which tools, which technology, and how to really address in the Kubernetes world, I had one more question I'm really interested in. What are the common pitfalls developers should be aware of when dealing with chaos engineering? Until now, we say what we mean by chaos engineering, it's like, for someone like myself that I'm familiar with the topic, but I've never really put myself into it. I've never played with Kubernetes and chaos engineering. What are common pitfalls we should really be aware of?

Roa: I would like to clarify that that is precisely a difference between chaos engineering and classic testing, that in that case, we have the possibility to observe the results and providing a resilience strategy.

Regarding the pitfalls, in my journey, I have made a lot of mistakes with chaos engineering. I could summarize them in three things, inadequate planning and preparation, because that is really important to have the proper tools and to have the steady state in your systems, and to have observability, of course. The first one is inadequate planning and preparation. The second one is starting with unrealistic or complex experiments. In my experience, it's better to start with simple experiments, probably manual scripts or another strategy, but as you progress, provide more complex or more sophisticated tools. Third, misunderstanding the results. That is the reason that you need observability here, because that is really important to understand the results you are getting with the experiments. Regarding planning, I have seen that the lack of clear objectives, insufficient monitoring and observability, and neglected communication and collaboration, for the real chaos, form the perfect recipe for failure. Another pitfall includes ignoring negative results, not iterating or not improving, for example. I think that, in my experience, they are the common pitfalls I have seen in my implementation with other customers.

Banerjee: I just wanted to highlight a little bit on the clear objective part. I would actually tell the developers, or whoever is actually strategizing it, to first understand the business need. Whether it is the application or something else. There are different ways to understand what the customer or the business is needing. There are customer contracts available or SLAs, or SLOs, service level agreement, service level objectives. These documents are available where it is clearly mentioned by the customer, how much availability is expected out of the service provider. Maybe it's 99% or maybe it's 99.5%. We know from there, this is the first stage. We know that a 0.5% or 1% of downtime is probably ok, although it is not.

As per the contract, it is ok. Then from there, we can take the next step of understanding the customer more better, whether the customer gets frustrated or if they are ok with a little bit of downtime. Then we can step into the application. We can have a high-level understanding of what that downtime means to that customer, whether it means loss of a lot of millions or loss of reputation for that customer. That is understanding the objective. Then, go to the next step of being into the technical, like understanding the baseline metrics, and planning it properly, going before to production, maybe do it in QA environment.

Chowdhury: When we start as a developer, when we get the task to install some chaos thing in our cloud native, in our domain. Every time, if you start with a small component, let's say we have 10 microservices, our goal is that without measuring what can be the call, without measuring the boundaries, we just inject the fault in most of the system. There can be a scenario where we may arise into less hypothesis or less analysis, like we are breaking everything at once. We should be very cautious, or very meaningful when we are injecting something in some system. What can be the consequences? Otherwise, in the normal time, like in the normal life, what we do in normal testing, it will be just like that. It may violate some key area. In chaos engineering, we get all those metrics, all the hypothesis for a specific microservice or a specific application. Those things might get violated when we start testing the entire system rather than going for one-by-one component.

Examples When Chaos Engineering Saved the Day

Losio: We just mentioned the importance for a company of maintaining a certain level of SLO and whatever. Apart from very famous ones, in your experience, what are examples that can help an attendee to understand, that usually, when I use a new tool, I want an example of, that company managed to save their infrastructure. Example about how really chaos engineering revealed a significant vulnerability or led to unexpected outcomes in a deployment. A Kubernetes one would be lovely, but not necessarily.

Mukkara: I'll actually take an example of Kubernetes. That's the topic here. Kubernetes chaos scenarios are slightly different, sometimes a lot different, compared to the traditional chaos engineering. For everyone who are not practicing chaos engineering in the recent times, chaos engineering is about Chaos Monkey, large systems breaking some of the deep infrastructures, and see the performance staying live. That's the old method. Why chaos engineering is quite important in the recent times, is the way Kubernetes is designed, and the cloud native workloads operate. Kubernetes is a horizontally scalable, distributed system. Developers are at the center of building and maintaining it.

One example that I have seen, very early days, is an example of what can happen to your large deployment when a pod is deleted. Pod deletes are very common. Developers, yes, pods are always getting deleted. What happened in one of the early days was, on a hyperscaler system, you have autoscale enabled, which really means that when the traffic is coming in, you need more resources, spin up the nodes. If the system is not configured, and when a pod got deleted because of whatever reason, there are multiple reasons why a pod can get deleted. Pod got deleted, traffic is coming in. You need more resources, so a new node is fun. That was just not enough. Then we saw a system where a pod is deleted, and then tens, sometimes it went all the way to 100 nodes being spun just because one pod got deleted. That was a resilience issue, and the traffic was not being served.

What exactly happened in that system is these readiness probes were not configured. It's a simple configuration issue. The system is thinking that the pod is there, but it's not ready, so I need to get more pods, and the traffic is still coming in. I need to serve the traffic, so autoscaler is enabled. On one side, your system is not ready. On the other side, you are paying for 100 nodes. It's a loss on both the sides. Having this kind of test for a developer, not assuming that it's a code that can cause a problem, it can be a configuration that can cause a major problem as well. Developers have to keep an eye on how is my deployment going to be configured. Can I write some tests around misconfigurations around deployment, and then add chaos test on top of it, can make your solution really sturdy. There's a saying in Kubernetes, build once and run it anywhere. Run it anywhere, you need to really test it. What can go wrong when run somewhere else? These are some of the examples. Chaos testing can really add value for most common cases as well.

Losio: Do you want to add anything specific? Do you have any suggestion to share or common example where basically chaos testing in a Kubernetes deployment can raise some vulnerability?

Roa: In my experience, for example, with e-commerce applications deployed on clusters, chaos engineering has been key in the identification of vulnerabilities. As Uma mentioned, these types of architectures need resilience all the time. It seems there are a lot of components that conforms the architectures. We have challenges related to, for example, unique failure points, or even providing observability. I see architectures based on microservice and Kubernetes all the time, and in these cases, customers implement patterns like retries and circuit breakers for providing resilience, which not always work well. Although the literature and the theory is clear about these patterns, in practice, we have a lot of issues with the implementations. I think to have tools and methodologies related to chaos engineering and related with testing on the infrastructure is key to test these patterns and to provide the proper solutions for that.

On the other side, I really value that chaos engineering provide the knowledge about the architecture that is useful for writing, for example, playbooks or runbooks for our operations engineers. I would like to mention that related to the value of the chaos engineering and tools like Litmus, Gremlin, and other tools in the market providing resilience for that. Specifically, an example, I remember I had an issue with an Envoy in an Apigee architecture in the past with our customer, and because the Envoy was creating a unique failure point, and we use chaos engineering for bombarding the services with a lot of requests, overcoming the system and causing a simulating failure. With the collected information, with the observability provided by this exercise, we were able to determine the configuration parameters for the circuit breakers and the components in the resilience architecture.

Losio: Anyone else wants to share examples that they had from real-life scenarios?

Medina: I had actually a few with doing chaos engineering Kubernetes, where you actually ended up finding out data loss would happen. One of the main ones that I vaguely remember was doing an implementation of Redis, just straight out of the box, where you were having through your primary database, and then you were also having your secondary pod. Just the way that you look at the architecture, you were pretty much like, with a hypothesis of no matter what happens to my primary pod, I'm still going to have complete consistency. We did a shutdown chaos engineering experiment on primary and all of a sudden you see that your secondary pause shows that the database is completely empty. This was just a straight out of the box configuration that documentation said it was going to be reliable.

When you look under the hood, like with observability and more debugging, you were noticing that you had your primary pod have the data, and then as it shuts down, secondary looks at primary and says, that's becoming empty. I'm going to become empty too. All of a sudden you have a complete data loss. We ended up learning that there was a lot more configuration that you need to do with Redis, setting up Redis Sentinel in order for it to not have issues like that. You wouldn't necessarily know that until you go ahead and you run an experiment like this, where it could be just a simple of what happens if my pod goes missing.

Unique Challenges of Chaos Engineering in a Kubernetes Environment

Losio: I was thinking, as a developer, what are the unique challenges of chaos engineering in a Kubernetes environment? Let's say that I'm coming as experienced from a Chaos Monkey scenario, an autoscaling of EC2 instances. I'm now moving everything to Kubernetes. What's unique, what's different assuming that I've already a previous experience in chaos engineering?

Banerjee: I think Kubernetes acts in a very strong and intelligent way, and it has different functionalities. The resilience is very strong there. They have dynamic and ephemeral infrastructure. If a pod is going down, Kubernetes, it's scheduled. They automatically restore it, and that gives us the chaos testing problem. Like Uma just mentioned that observability is very important. We do test and then we try to understand how the system is behaving. Kubernetes is very fast in that way, and it is difficult to understand how much impact that failure had, because just an example, that pod got quickly restored. That is one. Another example can be, microservices have very complex communication system. One microservice is calling another, and that is probably calling two more. The problem is, it has a very complex interdependence, and if one service fails, that can cascade to another in a very unpredictable way.

Again, which makes it very difficult to understand the impact of chaos testing. Another example would be the autoscaling, like you were mentioning, self-healing, all this mechanism that Kubernetes has. Kubernetes tend to scale if a number of APIs is getting called. For example, if it goes high, it will scale up a lot immediately, or it will scale down as well, based on the requirement of the API that is being called. It is very difficult to observe or understand how chaos testing is actually performing. These are some of the examples.

Chowdhury: I just want to add one thing that I have personally faced from my experience that like, let's say, we have multiple environments, let's say QA, Dev, stage, and prod. There are multiple different configurations, there are multiple workloads, there are different types of deployments. Somewhere we are going for multi-tenant solution. Somewhere we don't have that because of resource limitations. The thing we have faced that, let's say, how your chaos is performing in your staging environment, it's not like your production environment. The hypothesis we are coming into, the analysis we are doing from the stage environment, or QA environment, that will not be 100% similar to the production environment. It might be complete opposite. It might be somewhere near to that. These are some limitations of chaos.

Mukkara: The difference in Kubernetes in my observation, compared to the legacy systems. When there is a change in a legacy system, it's local. You go and test that local system, but in Kubernetes, Kubernetes itself is changing all the time. There is an upgrade that happened to the Kubernetes system, so you have to assume that I'm affected as an application. The question becomes, what test to run, and the number of tests that you end up running is almost whatever you have. I see that the number of chaos tests that you run for a Kubernetes upgrade is vastly different on Kubernetes versus a legacy system. That's one change that we've been observing. A lot of resilience coverage needs to be given on Kubernetes. Don't assume that a certain system is not affected. It may be affected. Kubernetes is complex.

Designing Meaningful Chaos Experiments

Losio: We just mentioned the challenges of Kubernetes itself, the challenges as well to try to run tests that are for different scenarios, dev, staging, production, and different hypotheses and different expectations. One thing that I always wonder, and that's not specific just to Kubernetes, but in general, I think, is when designing chaos experiments, what are the factors you should consider to ensure that the tests are actually meaningful in the sense that they reflect your real-world scenario? Because it's a bit the problem I have as well sometime when I build any kind of test. How do I make sure that what I'm doing is being a scenario? I'm thinking as well, maybe because I'm quite new in the Kubernetes world, I wonder how can you address that? I can write my list of tests, my test scenario that I want to check. How can I make sure that these are meaningful somehow, and they make sense, that I'm not just writing random tests and covering scenario. What are the challenges in chaos engineering in that sense?

Roa: The challenges related to that? I think, the dynamic nature of architectures. For example, in Kubernetes, we constantly change the pods, as Ana mentioned, being a scheduler was terminated. This dynamic represents a first challenge related to the nature of the architectures. Dynamic distributed systems, as Supratip mentioned, that Kubernetes applications are often composed by multiple microservices, spread across different nodes on clusters. The real scenarios, there are a lot of components connected, sending messages. That is really challenging because, for example, we have to test with chaos engineering. We have the possibility to inject a failure in a machine or in a node or in a database. When you have to test all architecture, for me, that is the first challenge. The complex interactions also, because Kubernetes involves numerous components, like post services, as I just mentioned. Injecting failures into a specific context can have cascading effects. That is the importance of observability, considering the cascading effects of other components, that is difficult to understand what happens in these specific points.

Finally, I think the ephemeral resources, because in Kubernetes, the resources are designed for being ephemeral, meaning that the clusters create and recreate infrastructure when you have, for example, an overload with the workload in the cloud, for example. It's really difficult to test that, because you have to provide that test in a specific context. After an overload, you have another infrastructure and a new infrastructure recreated, since, above that. I think those are the challenges, and that they are things that you have to consider if you want to run chaos engineering in a real environment. In Google, we use disaster recovery testing. That is a practice similar to chaos engineering. In my other experiments in the university, for example, I have to create simulated exercises. That is, for me, the most challenging things to try to simulate these interactions and this dynamic in real scenarios.

Losio: What are the factors you consider to ensure that your tests are beautiful?

Banerjee: Be very careful while testing it on production. Understand the impact. It's very important. Otherwise, you may just break the application that the live users are using. To understand it, we need to do few things like, we have to understand the relationship also between the infrastructure that we have. We have to start very small, not go a huge way and break everything. We also need to observe and document and analyze those results, so we know what is happening, observability, like everyone is saying. Then go to the next iteration and try to improve from there.

Simulating I/O Faults in K8s

Losio: Yury just mentioned about injecting types of fault simulation. Particularly, she mentioned as well the topic of I/O and ephemeral I/O. How can you simulate I/O faults on Kubernetes when playing with chaos engineering? Is it something you can do?

Chowdhury: In one of our architectures, we had some SSE, server-side events in place. That was basically our SOT, our source of truth. Once we started with injecting chaos in that main component, we had an operator in place. We didn't expect that it will cost breaking few other microservices as well. It ended up breaking a lot of microservices. You are not sure every time, because SSE is something very lightweight and very not resourced, and we didn't even assume that it could go to that extent where it will break the entire system. We have taken the measure for the Mongo or all the database things, but we didn't think in terms of SSE, because once you crash any pod, you have to establish that request with another pod.

If that pod is not getting started, then whatever pods we have which is associated with the source of truth, or the operator, where we have the producer of the SSE, so that connection is not getting started. That's why it ended up breaking all the microservices which was consuming that SSE, in the I/O input. This is something that I have faced where your connection is not getting triggered every time. If that's a long pulling or that's a constant connection, then it might be difficult scenarios for the users.

Where to Start, with Chaos Engineering

Losio: I would like to talk from the point of view of a software developer. I have my Kubernetes, whatever, on a cloud provider, using EKS or whatever else, on AWS, or Microsoft, or Google. I'm new to chaos tests. I want to start from scratch. In some way, I'm lucky I don't have to manage anything. Before, we mentioned, maybe we want to start small. We want to start with breaking up our iterative approach, where we start not taking the biggest one. Is there any tool, anything I can use, open source, not open source? If I go out of this call and I want to start, where should I start? I haven't done chaos engineering before, and that's my Kubernetes life.

Medina: I think one of the first things that I would ask is very much of like, what budget and support do you have? Because some of it comes where it's like, you have no budget. You're doing this as a person of one, where it's very much of like, you might need to go out into open-source tools. From open-source tools, we've mentioned LitmusChaos. We've mentioned Chaos Mesh. Those are the two that I'm most familiar with. Folks can get started with that if you're in a non-Kubernetes environment. There's concepts of Chaos Monkey, where you can just do things manually. Yury mentioned circuit breakers.

Coming from a place where I've worked with vendors, I also really like where vendors really provide you a lot of education, a lot of handholding, as you're getting started with chaos engineering. Something like Harness, something like Gremlin, where folks are able to have a suite of tests that they can actually get started with, really is helpful. From there, of course, it really much varies into what type of environments you can have. Starting out with something like just doing some resource limits.

Losio: I was thinking really more as a developer, starting from scratch. I fully understand that we have a very different scenario. If you are in an enterprise, I'm probably not going to do it alone, and I probably need some support and training as well.

I/O Faults

Mukkara: I/O faults are definitely not easy, in two things. One is, you won't get permission to introduce an I/O fault because you're not the owner of, most likely the application and infrastructure as well. I/O faults are important, and those are the ones that cause the maximum damage, usually. For example, a database is not coming up on the other side, or database is corrupted, or disaster recovery is not working as expected, not coming up in time. Migrations are not happening. There are so many scenarios you want to test using these faults. One way is to follow the receiving side of the data. You have a database, and I am the consumer of the data, and then the data comes through your file system on your node. Database exists elsewhere, but it has to come through your file system, so there are faults available, such as, make the file attribute read only.

Database is all good, but still on your file system, you can mark it as read only. Then the volume that's mounted on the database becomes read only. Then it triggers either, move on to another node, or sometimes it can cause disaster recovery as well. There are systems, for example, Harness Chaos. It has I/O faults that many people use. When it comes to the open-source tooling, I think LitmusChaos is a good tool. Please do use it. There are free enterprise tools available as well. Just like GitHub is free for everyone, to some extent, if it's an open-source project, whatever.

Something similar, for example, Harness has a free plan, no questions asked, all enterprise features are available. Made it super easy. The catch only is that you can use a limited number of experiment runs in a month. To get started, you have everything on your fingertips made so easy. Those are some of the choices. Chaos practice is becoming common, and it's almost becoming a need, not an option. You see multiple vendors giving you choices. It's not a freemium model. It's a real free model as well. We have offered a complete free service, no questions asked, no sales page. You can just go and get everything for free for a certain number of runs in a month.

Chaos Engineering Tools

Roa: When you are starting with chaos engineering, it's really important to consider the chaos maturity model, because I think one first thing to consider is where you are. In this case, the maturity model is important because this tool provides the criteria to determine what you need in order to progress in adopting that. In the first one, a book published by Casey Rosenthal and Nora Jones, we have a chaos maturity model. Presently, I was reviewing a chaos maturity model published by Harness. That is a really good asset to assess: if you are a beginner, you are in the middle phase, or you are in a final phase. Regarding good tools, I like Litmus, because it provides a friendly console to run a chaos exercise in your infrastructure. Also, I would like to mention that in Google, we have the custom tooling that is not open, and that is not published in the market. Considering an open-source tool, I like Litmus and Gremlin. I think Gremlin includes a free tire that includes a simple exercise, but that is interesting and that is useful for starting in this adoption.

Losio: I wanted to ask basically as well, example of a paper, book, presentation, tool, whatever that every developer should not miss.

Banerjee: I just wanted to add two more tools that I have personally used. The first one is Chaos Monkey. This is not necessarily directly related to Kubernetes, but Chaos Monkey helps. It attacks the applications that I have personally used for Spring Boot. Spring Boot is generally used to write microservices these days in modern applications. They attack microservices running Spring Boot applications, and they simulate these kinds of errors. There are public cloud managed tools as well. One I have used is AWS FIS, fault injection service. There, you can also simulate, you can write your tests and stuff, and it will make your ECS, EC2, EKS, including Kubernetes services a little shaky, so you can test them as well.

Chowdhury: There are lot of enterprise tools, there are a lot of tools that you can do. If you have less idea on chaos engineering, if you have no idea, then, as Uma just said, Litmus is a great tool. Also, you can go for the Chaos Mesh. That is very easy to use for beginners. There you will get the dashboard. There you will get the CLI support and everything. You can directly write all those scripts and run your chaos in a controlled environment. Chaos Mesh is something that you can train, and the community support is also good.

Resources and Advice on Getting Started with Chaos Testing

Losio: I'm thinking as a cloud architect, cloud developer, Kubernetes expert, or whatever, I joined this roundtable, and you convinced me that it's super important, actually, it's a must now to introduce chaos testing for my workloads. I cannot have my cluster anymore running as I did until today. I kept my head under the sand until now, and I haven't really thought about that. That's cool. I want to go out of this session, and think I can do something tomorrow, do something, this iteration, something small, where should I tackle? I'm in the scenario of not a big enterprise, I'm in the scenario of, I have my Kubernetes cluster. I want to start to do something, to learn something. It can be as well, read one article. It can be, try to inject your first fault with a bash script. If you have an advice, something that a developer can do in half a day, not the next six months.

Mukkara: Tomorrow morning, don't be in a rush to inject a fault. First thing that you can do if you really want to add to your resilience is to spend some time on observing what could be the top four steady state hypotheses points mean. First, note them down. Second point is really the service dependencies. What are my critical services? How are they interdependent on each other? The third point is, what went wrong recently in my system? What do I think as a cloud architect, that can go wrong? Then, take a test that can cause the least blast radius, don't try to go and cause a disaster. You will face a lot of opposition. Winning your fellow teammates to introduce the practice of chaos engineering is one of the biggest challenges. What I've been advocating is, don't try to prove that there is a problem. Try to prove that there is resilience. I go and break a system, break a component, and still prove that there is resilience, like, now you can be confident. Then add more resilience scenarios. Then, in that process, you might find more support. Yes, good, 10 of them are working, 11th one is not so much. Let me go look at it.

Losio: The key message is to start small and keep your radius small, don't try to kill the entire workload in production to prove your point.

Medina: I think one of the first things you can do, don't go and just break things the next day. I think you need to be really thoughtful about it. I actually really like the suggestion of coming up with those hypotheses points of where to start out. If you do have a chance, try to open up a test environment where you can actually run a chaos engineering experiment. Of course, set up some observability beforehand, come up with a hypothesis to go about it. I think it's a really great way to have a learning point of like, let me come up with a hypothesis. Let me see what happens as the chaos enters the system. Then think of ways that I can make that system better. You can try to replicate something that you have seen happen internally as an incident, or any incident that has happened in the industry.

I think that's also one other starting point that I put, like you might not have something that you can replicate, but you can look at other companies and see what other failures they're having. If you're thinking of like, what type of experiment can I start with? Just killing a pod is a great way to start. You can do this with some of the open-source tools, and you can even do this by yourself without having any of the tools available. I think those are some great ways that you can really get started without having too much of an overhaul.

Chowdhury: You can start with a pod fault, you can have your own namespace, and here you can inject your faults. If you are a backend developer, or if you are a developer, then you can also focus on the stress testing, because anyway, in a conventional application, also we do the performance stress testing, then you can also go for the stress testing as well. That will also give you a better idea about the resilience of your application and how your application performs in those scenarios.

Banerjee: First, understand why you are doing chaos testing. Don't go with a haptic knowledge. Understand the objective, why we are talking about introducing chaos. We are failing it purposely. Understand why you are doing that, and then do it. The second point would be to have a baseline metric that is very specific to your application, to your system, exactly how much CPU, how much memory, or what is the latency, or how many requests your system can bear. Once you have that metric laid out, you know where to come back to, or you know what percentage you want to break on top of it. That is very important.

Roa: Another important thing, it's important to have metrics and things to show what is the impact of chaos engineering in the company. It is really important to analyze the past incidents and logs in my experiences, that provides, for example, analyzing incidents, logs, monitoring data. Before to start, provide the things for recently creating these metrics. If you know your infrastructure, if you know what components are causing pains for your business, you have more tools to convince the executive, and the committees that are in charge to provide budget. Analyze your past incidents and logs, and know your infrastructure, and know how all components work together in order to provide, presently, the real value to this company. Because, although all architectures are composed by microservices, Kubernetes, and Redis database, each company is a different world, and with different pains, and with different challenges. You need to know your company before you start to do that.


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Sep 30, 2024