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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Which Is Easier? 100T-10M or 10M-1B

Which Is Easier? 100T-10M or 10M-1B



Zoltan Toth-Czifra shares scalability lessons learned at Softonic, a company that has developed and grew along with the Internet for over 15 years.


Zoltan Toth-Czifra is architecture engineer at Softonic, the largest software download website in the world. At his work he is solving scalability challenges of Softonic's LAMP platform serving approximately 1 billion monthly page views. He is also responsible of managing the Big Data platform of the company. His workshops and talks make him an active member of the Barcelona tech community.

About the conference

RAMP: A sold-out conference on how to scale backend systems at startups and fast growing companies designed for everyone who wanted to create MVPs that scale beyond expectations. It featured a great lineup of stories and presenters including Jeremy Edberg from Netflix (previously lead architect at Reddit), Rajiv Eranki (formerly lead server architect at Dropbox), and Theo Schlossnagle (OmnIT).

Recorded at:

Nov 15, 2013