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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Why Would You Integrate Solr and Hadoop?

Why Would You Integrate Solr and Hadoop?



Yann Yu discusses how Solr and Hadoop complement each other, and how to use Solr as a real-time, analytical, full-text search front-end to data stored in Hadoop.


Yann Yu is a Systems Engineer at LucidWorks and brings years of experience in search, natural language processing and internationalization to the Lucidworks team. Yann has architected and deployed Solr solutions for hundreds of customers, including those in the Fortune 500, integrating large-scale, high volume Hadoop deployments with Solr all over the world.

About the conference

This one-day event focused on practical business applications of Hadoop and technologies in the Hadoop ecosystem. Industry thought leaders shared emerging trends and best practices with users and developers to deliver valuable insights from some of today's most successful Hadoop deployments.

Recorded at:

Dec 28, 2014