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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Type-Safe Meta-programming in Swift? Let’s Talk about Sourcery

Type-Safe Meta-programming in Swift? Let’s Talk about Sourcery



Krzysztof Zabłocki introduces Sourcery which provide meta-programming for Swift.


Krzysztof Zabłocki is a developer, speaker, creator of Sourcery, and Lead iOS at @nytimes.

About the conference

Originally there are two Hungary based startups behind Craft: IBM Budapest Lab and Prezi. In 2015, Ericsson joined the organiser team for two years, and they still an active helper of the conference. Our goal is to get the best speakers around the World to help Budapest become an innovation HUB of Europe. We started to organize international conferences three years ago, and we have many sold-out, world-class events (mloc.js, RAMP, Stretch, Redefine, Amuse, Crunch) under our belt, some of them were named one of the best conferences in Europe by TechCrunch.

Recorded at:

Nov 25, 2017