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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Collaboration Superpowers: Stories Of Remote Teams Doing Great Things

Collaboration Superpowers: Stories Of Remote Teams Doing Great Things



Lisette Sutherland, Elinor Slomba share stories of successful remote distributed teams, how they built relationships and trust, and how they raised the quality of their communication.


Lisette Sutherland creates online collaborative communities, specializing in web-based collaboration tools and online community management. Her goal is to get the best people working together regardless of location. She currently works as Happy Melly's Community Builder. Elinor Slomba works for Arts Interstices in Connecticut, US.

About the conference

The aim was to ensure that inspiration turned to action. We want people to make changes in their workplace – changes that make them happier, that help the business innovate, respond and grow, and that overcome specific obstacles or blocks. They could be small. They might even fail. That’s OK.

Recorded at:

Oct 18, 2014