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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Gotchas Using Terraform in a Secure Delivery Pipeline

Gotchas Using Terraform in a Secure Delivery Pipeline



Anton Babenko discusses how to integrate Terraform in a secure continuous delivery pipeline, explaining how to manage AWS infrastructure in a secure way using Terraform.


Anton Babenko is a fully certified in all 5 AWS professional certifications and has been working as web-developer, team lead, and CTO during his career.Anton is an active member of open-source communities and a maintainer of verified Terraform AWS modules (450K downloads a month!). He also leads AWS and HashiCorp User Groups meetups in Norway, and organizes DevOpsDays Oslo.

About the conference

DevOps Pro Vilnius conference covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud.

Recorded at:

Aug 12, 2018