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InfoQ Homepage Presentations What We Talk about When We Talk about Distributed Systems

What We Talk about When We Talk about Distributed Systems



Alvaro Videla reviews distributed systems: async/sync, message passing, shared memory, failure detectors, leader election, consensus and different kinds of replication, and recommends related books.


Alvaro Videla used to work as Core Developer for RabbitMQ. Before moving to Europe he was working in Shanghai where he helped building one of Germany’s biggest dating websites. He co-authored the book "RabbitMQ in Action." Some of his open source projects can be found here:

About the conference

The Erlang Factory is an event that focuses on Erlang - the computer language that was designed to support distributed, fault-tolerant, soft-realtime applications with requirements for high availability and high concurrency. The main part of the Factory is the conference - a two-day collection of focused subject tracks with an enormous opportunity to meet the best minds in Erlang and network with experts in all its uses and applications.

Recorded at:

Jun 08, 2016