InfoQ Homepage Productivity Content on InfoQ
The Focusing Illusion of Developer Productivity
Courtney Hemphill talks about some of the historical precedents of incentive structures; looking not just at software but various industries that require complex efforts between diverse teams.
10 Ways to Get Super Productive with Spring Boot
The authors discuss Spring Boot: development cycle with Devtools, H2 web console, persistent web sessions, managing cache, static resources in web apps, evolving a database schema and more.
Learnings from a Culture-First Start-up
Sunil Sadasivan talks about some of Buffer’s culture experiments to illustrate how cultivating and iterating on a team's culture can improve happiness, employee retention, and overall growth.
Agile Productivity: Willpower and Neuroscience Approach
Anna Obukhova discusses the relationship between willpower and Agile practices sharing 10 tips that can lead to increased productivity.
Productivity Is Killing Us
Adam Yuret discusses how a focus on resource efficiency impedes flow while creating mountains of failure demand and fracturing an organization into competing silos.
How to Get Groovy with Java 8
Peter Ledbrook discusses the impact of the Java 8 language changes on Groovy applications and if Groovy still provides an edge in terms of developer productivity.
Managing Developers
Jonathan Mills teaches the top attributes of a good manager, showing 10 techniques on how to improve the productivity and satisfaction of a team’s members.
The Evils of Multi-tasking and How Personal Kanban Can Help You
Sandy Mamoli explains how to avoid multi-tasking by using personal Kanban and other Agile practices applied at the individual level.
This is Your Workflow on Catnip
Bodil Stokke introduces the productivity benefits of Catnip, a text editor with REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) functionality integrated into the Clojure environment.
Why Program by Hand in Five Days what You Can Spend Five Years of Your Life Automating?
Terence Parr discusses using automation tools including DSLs to automate the software creation process as much as possible in order to increase output, effectiveness, correctness and velocity.
Code Generation on the JVM: Writing Code that Writes Code
Hamlet D`Arcy demonstrates some of the Groovy tools useful to increase productivity by generating code at compile time: Project Lombok and AST Transforms.
Measuring Agile in the Enterprise: 5 Success Factors for Large-Scale Agile Adoption
Michael Mah analyzes the development process in 5 companies: 2 Agile (one of them BMC) and 3 classic. He presents the factors which contributed to the success of BMC's Agile adoption.