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  • Building Better Platforms with Empathy: Case Studies and Counter-Examples

    Scaling platform development often means absorbing cognitive burdens, but empathy is key. Understanding users beyond their immediate issues leads to better solutions. Platforms help manage growth's complexity, but a product mindset with user-centricity is vital. In his talk at QCon San Francisco 2023, David Stenglein expanded on cultivating empathy through open communication.

  • Shift in Sprint Review Mindset: from Reporting to Inclusive Ideation

    Sprint Reviews should foster a dynamic environment of creativity, exploration, and continual refinement, where important product and overall business decisions are taken. In this article, we will explore the substantial mindset shift and routine change from a typical reporting-focused to interactive data-driven culture of Sprint Reviews.

  • Seven Key Insights of Product Management

    What a product manager does and how they do it seems like a perennial question, an ongoing discussion, often ending in debate. This changes depending on factors such as the size and culture of the company, the industry or sector, the business model, where the product is in its lifecycle, and the type of product. What doesn’t change is they’re always thinking about customer and business needs.

  • The Complexity of Product Management and Product Ownership

    Doug Talbot discusses the confusion surrounding Product Ownership / Product Management. He provides some advice on tackling the complexity of creating your own contextualised and personalised product value stream for your organisation or team and using systems thinking and Cynefin for complexity.

  • How to Build a Strong Beta Testers Community

    It is important to involve the real users at the early stages of your development cycle. A strong beta testers community not only improves your product, but also provides context, pain points and ideas while increasing loyalty and engagement. This article offers tips and tricks on how to build a beta testers program and a process of supporting the program with a modest allotment.

  • What’s Next in DevOps?

    The DevOps movement continues to grow and gain influence in the IT world and the business world at large. As the organisations become increasingly digital, the agility of our IT systems becomes critical to the life and health of the companies.