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Cesare Pautasso

Profile page created Jun 10, 2010



All Activity

  • Transactions for the REST of Us

    Cesare Pautasso and Guy Pardon propose a way of implementing transactions over HTTP using REST and the Try-Confirm/Cancel protocol.

    Transactions for the REST of Us
  • BPM with REST

    Cesare Pautasso discusses the conceptual relationship between business processes and stateful RESTful services, showing how BPM can be used to design and implement hypermedia-based services.

    BPM with REST
  • RESTful Business Process Management

    Cesare Pautasso proves that BPM can be used to compose and implement REST web services, showing the relationship between business processes and stateful resources accessed through a RESTful API.

    RESTful Business Process Management
  • REST-Inspired SOA Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns)

    Cesare Pautasso presents a design methodology for RESTful services based on several patterns: Uniform Contract, Entity Endpoint, Content Negotiation, Endpoint Redirection, Idempotent Capability.

    REST-Inspired SOA Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns)

