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Architecture and Agility: Married, Divorced, or Just Good Friends?
This article describes the relationship between architecture and process of software development and how architecture can respond to functional requirements and developer habitability.
The Pragmatic Architect - To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
In this article, author Frank Buschmann talks about the secrets of pragmatic architects: Uncover Hidden Domain Concepts, Be Where Things Meet and Use Uncertainty as a Driver.
Seven Secrets Every Architect Should Know
Frank Buschmann’s secrets: User Tasks-based Design, Be Minimalist, Ensure Visibility of Domain Concepts, Use Uncertainty as a Driver, Design Between Things, Check Assumptions, Eat Your Own Dog Food.
JAOO Panel: Who will Develop Software in 10 Years?
Martin Fowler, Frank Buschmann, Steve Cook, Jimmy Nilsson, and Dave Thomas discuss the future of software development including outsourcing, Google, multi-core, grid computing, stacks, etc.