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Thiago Custódio

Profile page created Dec 17, 2014



All Activity

  • Azure .NET SDK: Q&A with Jeffrey Richter

    Recently Microsoft released a new version of its Azure .NET SDKs, available as a series of NuGet packages designed to provide a consistent and familiar interface to access Azure services from your .NET applications. InfoQ interviewed Jeffrey Richter, a software architect on the Azure SDK team who worked on the design of the SDKs for various languages and many Azure services.

  • Azure Functions Updates Include Moving .NET outside the Runtime

    Azure Functions is moving to an out-of-process model that runs a .NET worker process alongside the runtime. The Azure Functions team also announced public preview support for Node.js 14, general availability of custom handlers and Java based functions running on Linux in its January update.

  • Microsoft Releases New Version of Durable Functions

    The release 2.4.0 of Durable Functions brings native support for distributed tracing, ability to use Durable Functions in other .NET Core applications using dependency injection, and a new API to restart orchestrations. Durable Functions is an extension that helps developers build reliable, stateful apps on the Azure Functions platform.

  • Máxima produtividade com Azure Search

    O Azure Search é uma solução de pesquisa como serviço na nuvem que pesquisa avançada para conteúdo privado e heterogêneo em aplicativos Web. Vamos ver como ganhar tempo e produtividade com recurs(...)

    Máxima produtividade com Azure Search
  • Cache com Microsoft Azure Redis Cache

    Conheça o novo Azure Redis Cache, fornecido e gerenciado pela Microsoft. A palestra apresenta recursos internos do Redis e como desenvolvedores e arquitetos podem se beneficiar deste NoSQL.

    Cache com Microsoft Azure Redis Cache


