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Vinod Goje

Profile page created Jun 27, 2024

InfoQ Editor


InfoQ Editor

With a strong knowledge of software trends, passion for sharing deep technical insights, and community recognition, InfoQ Editors are helping software development teams adopt new technologies and practices.

Certification ID: 6ef5332e-55ee-4b14-b480-5cd8b54cf2d2

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Vinod is a technology professional specializing in artificial intelligence applications within the financial sector. With significant experience in developing high-frequency, low-latency fixed-income electronic trading systems, he brings deep expertise in building scalable AI/ML platforms in the cloud, applying these tools to advance financial technology. A supporter of open-source AI, Vinod leverages data-driven approaches to drive innovation in global markets. His combined knowledge of AI and finance positions him as a resourceful and forward-thinking professional in the field.