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  • The DLR’s Adaptive Compiler

    The Dynamic Language Runtime has significant performance improvements over traditional interpreters for Python and Ruby, once it is warned up. But for code you only use once or twice, the performance can be downright pitiful. Fortunately a solution is in sight.

  • Add a REPL Console to Your .NET Applications

    Microsoft is starting to push IronPython and IronRuby as the way for end users to customize their applications. In order to make that easier, Jim Deville is offering a REPL console designed specifically to be used by end users as an advanced mode for their applications.

  • Javascript as Compiler Target: Clamato, GWT Smalltalk, Python, Scheme

    Improved VMs and ubiquity have made Javascript an interesting target for compilers. InfoQ takes a look at a few languages that compile to Javascript: Smalltalks Clamato and GWT Smalltalk, Python with pyjamas and Scheme with Moby-Scheme.

  • State of Python on the JVM

    In the past year or so Python has really been gaining a lot of traction on the JVM, thanks to the recent advancements of Jython. In this news item we'll talk to the Jython project lead about Jython and the state of Python on the JVM.

  • Mocking for Java and Flex

    There are plenty of choices for creating mock objects in Java but Flex has seen little development in this area, until recently. The popular and maturing Mockito framework now has a Flex counterpart, which aims to bring mocking to Flex.

  • 23 .NET Open Source Projects

    Eric Nelson, a Developer Evangelist for Microsoft and Technical Editor of MSDN UK Flash, has compiled a list of 23 .NET open source projects mostly based on recommendations sent by UK developers. Other great projects did not make it into the list, while Microsoft’s contribution include: ASP.NET MVC, DLR, IronRuby, IronPython, MEF.

  • MacRuby Drops GIL, Gains Concurrent Threads

    MacRuby joins the ranks of JRuby and IronRuby and moved away from Ruby 1.9's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in the experimental branch.

  • Moving to IronPython

    Dynamic languages like Python and Ruby seem to be all the rage these days. If you want to jump on the bandwagon, sometimes the best way to get started is with a code converter. Fortunately SharpDevelop has you covered with support for C# and VB conversions to IronPython 2.0.

  • Bruce Eckel on Python, Java, Flex, and RIAs

    In this post, InfoQ interviews Bruce Eckel to get his thoughts on the RIA landscape and to find out what he has been up to, as Bruce recently released a book he coauthored titled First Steps in Flex.

  • CrossTwine Linker Aims to Boost MRI and 1.9.1 Performance

    CrossTwine aims to improve the performance of MRI, 1.9.1, and Python. Unlike new Ruby VMs, the CrossTwine Linker allows to improve efficiency of the existing interpreters and VMs, while keeping their complete feature set. The company plans to offer services to use the CrossTwine Linker technology to speed up specific applications.

  • Top Scripting Languages: PHP, Ruby, Python

    Evans Data's published the result of its scripting language survey. PHP, Ruby and Python are the favorite choices of more than 500 developers and IT Professionals. Scripting languages usage in the enterprise has changed with time, the survey outlines the drawbacks and merits of each language.

  • IronPython Performance Improvements

    A new version IronPython, an implementation of Python running on .NET, has been released. IronPython 2.0.1 focuses on performance improvements, while keeping complete backwards compatibility.

  • Koushik Dutta is Bringing C#, Ruby, and Python to Google’s Android

    Koushik Dutta has reached a major milestone in his effort to support C#, Ruby, and Python on Google’s mobile phone platform. In a recent announcement he has demonstrated by-directional interoperability between Dalvik and Mono.

  • Python 3.0 Breaks with the Past

    Python 3.0 (aka Python 3000) was finally released 3 months ago (December 3rd 2008). It has been almost 9 year since Guido van Rossum, the language’s author, envisioned this new and revolutionary Python version. Python 3.0 breaks the backward compatibility with previous versions of the language.

  • Dynamic Language IDEs: Aptana Pydev and DLTK Python

    This part of our series about IDEs for dynamic languages takes a look at Python IDEs. We take a look at Aptana's Pydev and DLTK Python, as well as the status of static analysis and automatic refactoring for Python.