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InfoQ Homepage Python Content on InfoQ

  • IronPython 2.0 Has Been Released

    Microsoft has released IronPython 2.0 on CodePlex, the .NET implementation of the Python language. The most important improvement is running on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).

  • Python Has Wrapped Itself Around Windows Azure

    Sriram Krishnan, a Microsoft Program Manager, has written a Python wrapper for Windows Azure Data Storage. Python is one of the languages supported by Windows Azure.

  • Presentation: Ruby Beyond Rails

    John Lam talks about his path to dynamic languages, some of the problems of making IronRuby run fast, and how the DLR helps with implementing languages.

  • Compiled IronPython

    Shri Borde discuses the status of IronPython 2 and how it works with compiled code. He focuses on issues involving reflection and CLS compliance.

  • Sun Gets Serious About Python

    Two announcements from Sun on their plans for supporting Python.

  • Do Language Specific Libraries Belong in .NET?

    There is a lot of basic functionality the .NET platform does not provide. For example, there is no built-in way to read CSV files, copy directories, or work with zip files. Well actually there is, but only if you dig deep enough.

  • New asDox Release Helps ActionScript 3 Code Generation

    Last week Michael Ramirez released asDox 1.0 Alpha 2, an ActionScript 3 parser written in Python. It is based on qDox for Java. The parser skims the source files only looking for things of interest, such as class/interface definitions, import statements, JavaDoc tags and member declarations. InfoQ spoke with Ramirez to gain additional insight.

  • Google 'simplifies web development' with AppEngine

    At Campfire One on April 7th, 2008, Google introduced Google App Engine as a way to simplify the job of creating, running and scaling web applications, to make it 'easy.' In essence, Google App Engine allows you to build web applications locally using and then deploy them on Google's infrastructure.

  • Microsoft shows Django running on IronPython

    Microsoft recently had the opportunity to show off some of the progress the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) team has made when they gave a demo of Django running on IronPython. The accomplishment was shown during PyCon 2008 in Chicago, March 14-16, 2008.

  • Has Django Reached a Tipping Point?

    Django, the Python web application framework, is fast approaching its' 1.0 release and Antonio Cangiano thinks it has reached a tipping point. Based on his set of "unscientific" metrics, he may well be right.

  • Microsoft Introduces Dynamic Silverlight

    The Dynamic Language team at Microsoft recently introduced its latest technology called Dynamic Silverlight (DSL) at the MIX08 Conference in Las Vegas.

  • Interview: Joe Walker about DWR 3.0

    InfoQ had the opportunity to talk with the <a href="">DWR</a> (Direct Web Remoting) project lead <a href="" title="Joe Walker's Blog">Joe Walker</a>. He discussed the upcoming release of DWR 3.0 including major features, helpful features and fixes for developers, a time line and a look at the future of DWR.

  • How to Develop New Activities for the One Laptop Per Child Project?

    The One Laptop Per Child project has starting shipping its first generation of XO laptops. OLPC "is not a laptop project, it is an education project", explains Nicholas Negroponte, director of the project. A full Sugar based development environment is available for developers to contribute new activities to the project. Sugar supports collaborative activities when XOs are meshed together.

  • Bill Burke on Dynamic Languages: Rationalizations and Myths

    "Am I just a Java fanboy?" - this is a good question. And it is one that Bill Burke does answer in his blog post Dynamic Languages: Rationalizations and Myths. But along with the post comes an overwhelming response, and insight into where we are heading as a community.

  • Dynamic Languages on the CLR and JVM

    John Rose, a key designer behind Sun's new Da Vinci Machine project initiative, and Charles Nutter of the JRuby project, contrast dynamic language support and optimization on the JVM and Microsoft's Dynamic Language Runtime.