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  • Scalability: Dynamic and Static Programming Languages

    In the wake of the demise of Chandler personal information management project, a discussion has occurred on TSS about the scalability potential of dynamic languages. Ted Neward attempted to go beyond language quarrel in order to provide some structured insights on this issue.

  • Programming for the DLR

    The Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) is an effort to facilitate the creation of language runtimes on .NET. IronRuby, a Ruby for .NET, is one of the languages built on the DLR that helps to push its limits. A new blog gives a step by step introduction to the DLR and how to build languages on it.

  • Python Web Framework on the JVM

    Recently there has been a lot of news about numerous languages making their way onto the JVM, providing endless possibilities. Python has been around for years and its JVM implementation, Jython, hopes to bring a Python web framework to the JVM. It could prove to be what Rails is to Ruby and Grails is to Groovy.

  • Language Designers: Add WPF Support to Your .NET Language

    A new version of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SDK preview has been released. Among the new samples is a way to add WPF support to a .NET language.

  • Mozilla Paints the Future of Web Scripting with Monkeys

    There has been a lot of Monkey talk going on in the Mozilla circles centered around 5 different projects at Mozilla. All of the projects are powerful and telling about the future of browser scripting.

  • The IronPython, Unicode, and Fragmentation Debate

    Unlike the canonical implementation, IronPython implements the str class as Unicode rather than an ASCII byte stream. While some are saying this is a serious fragmentation issue, others say it is no big deal.

  • Ruby x Agile: Matz explores the relationships between Ruby and Agile

    Ruby creator Yukihiro Matsumoto recently starred in the first of six short videos exploring the relationship between Ruby and Agile methodologies. Matz features along with Kenji Hiranabe and Shintaro Kakutani. Kenji is a self confessed ‘Agile agitator’ and Japanese translator of multiple XP/Agile books. Shintaro is a strong Ruby proponent.

  • ASP.NET Futures to Include Support for Ruby?

    The Microsoft website ASP.NET has released the May 2007 edition of ASP.NET Futures. This release demonstrates potential features for post-Orcas versions of ASP.NET including Sivlerlight controls and dynamic language support.

  • Microsoft Surpasses Java's Dynamic Language Support?

    Microsoft's announcement of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) has caused quite a stir in many areas, also in the Java space. Many voices seem convinced that the DLR has given .NET a major head start over the JVM, because it solves many problems Java is only just starting to realize. We look at the current situation of dynamic language support and how it compares to the DLR.

  • Jasper: ORM without Code Generators or Configuration Files

    Jasper is Microsoft's new ORM project designed for rapid application development. And unlike earlier Microsoft projects, this one does not require code generators. The goal? To "make the experience of developing quick and dirty database apps one that is truly quick and clean."

  • Dynamic Language Runtime Announced

    Microsoft has announced that they are building an extension to the Common Language Runtime called the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). This extension is being designed to enable interoperability between dynamic languages in the same manner that the CLR enabled interoperability between statically typed languages.

  • Microsoft has brought .NET to the World of Robotics

    Seeing parallels between the computer industry of 30 years ago and the robotics industry of today, Microsoft is determined to not be left out of the next big thing. For their initial play, Microsoft has released the Microsoft Robotics Studio.

  • Python for .NET

    IronPython is an excellent solution for developers who need their .NET support for their Python applications. That is, unless they also need libraries that are only supported by C++ extensions. This is where Python for .NET comes in.

  • IronPython for ASP.NET

    Microsoft has released an extension that allows IronPython to be used with ASP.NET. More importantly, they have created a route for other dynamic languages to tie into the ASP.Net framework.

  • On migrating from Python & Zope to Java with EJB 3 & JBoss SEAM

    Nuxeo has announced that the next version of its ECM product will be based entirely on Java, using JBoss SEAM, EJB 3, and JBoss. The move is interesting for a company claiming to be "the biggest Zope-focused company in the world." InfoQ spoke to Nuxeo's engineering team to find the why and how of their move.