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How to Go from Copy and Paste Deployments to Full GitOps
InnerSource helped reduce the amount of development work involved when introducing GitOps by sharing company-specific logic, Jemma Hussein Allen said at QCon London. She showed how they went from copy and paste deployments to full GitOps. She mentioned that a psychologically safe environment is really important for open and honest discussions that can help resolve pain points and drive innovation.
How to Delight Your Developers with User-Centric Platforms and Practices
By focusing on the users, platform development teams can ensure that they build a platform that tackles the true needs of developers, Ana Petkovska said at QCon London. In her talk, Delight Your Developers with User-Centric Platforms & Practices, she shared what their Developer Experience (DevEx) group looks like and what products and services they provide.
Staying Innovative on a Journey from Start-Up to Scale-Up
As ClearBank grew, it faced the challenge of maintaining its innovative culture while integrating more structured processes to manage its expanding operations and ensure regulatory compliance. Within boundaries of accountability and responsibility, teams were given space to evolve their own areas, innovate a little, experiment, and continuously improve, to remain innovative.
Managing High-Performing Software Teams
High-performing teams expect their leader to enable them to make things better, Gillard-Moss said at QCon London. Independence in software teams can enable decision-making for faster delivery. Teams need empathy, understanding, and guidance from their managers.
QCon London: Learnings from Automating Deployments
Copying and pasting code from one Windows folder to another as a deployment method can cause downtime. Jemma Hussein Allen presented how they automated their deployments and the benefits that they got from it at QCon London.
Fostering High-performing Work Environments for Software Development
According to Eb Ikonne, leaders should provide a motivating challenge or mission so that the software engineering team understands what success looks like. They can provide an enabling structure for effective teamwork, address things that negatively impact team success, and reduce or remove friction. Coaching can help people discover how to work effectively together.
How Team Health Checks Help Software Teams to Deliver
In healthy software teams, people feel psychologically safe to solve problems and contribute, Brittany Woods said in her talk at QCon London. She presented how they do team health checks and the benefits that it has brought them.
QCon London: Netflix Saves Time and Money with Server-Driven Notifications
At QCon London 2024, Christopher Luu explained how Netflix uses server-driven UIs for rich notifications. This saves developer time through reuse across platforms and better testing but adds effort for backward compatibility. Developers write notifications by embedding so-called Customer Lifecycle Component System (CLCS) components in JavaScript, similar to how React UIs embed HTML in JavaScript.
How Building a Platform as a Product Empowered Software Engineers
Platform engineering is about accelerating and empowering developers to deliver more product value faster over time. According to Jessica Andersson, most companies don’t invest in platform engineering until they reach a certain size. At QCon London she presented how their startup adopted platform engineering, what strategy they took, and what they did to gain platform adoption from developers.
Transitioning from a Software Engineering Role into a Management Role
Software engineers who want to become good at leading engineers can use everyday opportunities to practice management. Peter Gillard-Moss gave a talk at QCon London where he shared his experience with becoming a manager, and provided tips and ideas for engineers aiming to become a manager.
Fostering Healthy Tech Teams in a DevOps World
Building healthy DevOps tech teams that are responsible for a broad area can be challenging. To measure the success of your team, several frameworks provide metrics indicating team health. Psychological safety matters for healthy teams to ensure each software engineer brings their own lived experiences to build better products and that they feel safe to do so.
QCon London: a Tale of Team Topologies at m3ter
At QCon London 2024, Ricardo Nuno Almeida spoke about adapting Team Topologies at m3ter. Almeida, senior software engineering manager at m3ter, spoke about how adaptability proved crucial to success and ran through m3ter's journey of evolving team topologies to meet growth demands and changing priorities.
QCon London: Modernizing in Healthcare – from On-Prem to the Cloud
At QCon London, Leander Vanderbijl, senior engineer at Livi, discussed the journey of migrating an on-premises solution to the cloud, including the challenges he faced and the thinking behind the choices he made throughout the journey. The session was part of the "Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability" track.
People, Planet, Cloud and AI: Key Takeaways from QCon London
This year’s QCon London brought a wealth of talks directly or indirectly related to software architecture, ranging from the rise of AI to more established areas like anything cloud-related to the usual classics like architecture quality traits . The conference also featured many talks about sociotechnical aspects of software architecture and engineering and broadly considered sustainability.
QCon London: Curating a Developer Experience
In a talk at QCon London 2024 titled "Curating the Developer Experience," Andy Burgin discussed embracing Developer Experience (DevEx) as an operational philosophy at the betting company Flutter. Recognising the potential of DevEx to enhance productivity and foster collaboration and empathy between teams, Burgin explained how Flutter implemented and evolved their Developer Experience.