InfoQ Homepage QCon New York 2018 Content on InfoQ
Defense in Depth: in Depth
Chelsea Komlo looks at what defense in depth means from a variety of roles and perspectives, how it can help organizations prevent unforeseen attacks and limit damage when compromises do occur.
Seven Strategies for Scaling Product Security
Angelo Prado discusses seven strategies for scaling and embedding security in a product.
Data Security Dreams and Nightmares
Alex Holden shares his lessons learned by observing and assisting with data breaches, and explains how to avoid them and what can be done to emerge successfully from a bad situation.
Making Security Usable: Product Engineer Perspective
Anastasiia Voitova goes through several stages of inception and implementation of database encryption and intrusion detection tools.
Modeling the Real World with Elixir/OTP
Aish Raj Dahal talks about concurrency support and error handling in Elixir.
Solving New School with the Old School (Clojure)
Jearvon Dharrie discusses Clojure, a language that's taking some older ideas and solving 21st-century problems, covering types, clojure.spec, parallelism and concurrency with core.async, and more.
Next Gen Networking Infrastructure with Rust
Carl Lerche shows how Rust’s “zero cost abstractions” can be leveraged to provide a networking platform that provides expressiveness, speed, and safety with tradeoffs between them.
Programming in Hostile Environments
Nathan Goulding talks about some of the challenges that Packet has faced while attempting to program against the worst kind of adversary: physical, bare metal infrastructure.
Digital Publishing for Scale: The Economist and Go
Kathryn Jonas talks about The Economist’s struggles and victories in transitioning to Go and how Go has uniquely fit their digital publishing goals.
Platforms at Twilio: Unlocking Developer Effectiveness
Justin Kitagawa talks about Twilio’s DevOps culture of “You build it, you run it”, and the evolution, tenets, and lessons learned of Twilio’s internal Platform.
Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!
Mobile and web apps are increasingly built on BaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, creating complex systems out of seemingly simple parts, becoming distributed systems engineers.
Better DevEx at Netflix: Polyglot and Containers
Mike McGarr talks about the evolution of developer tooling at Netflix, focusing on command line tools they built to address evolving needs around programming languages, containers and more.