InfoQ Homepage QCon New York 2018 Content on InfoQ
Debugging Microservices: How Google SREs Resolve Outages
Adam Mckaig and Liz Fong-Jones talk about how SREs discover and debug problems at Google during outages, and share real stories about their experiences.
Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way
Michael Bryzek highlights specific key decisions that very directly impact the quality and maintainability of a microservice architecture, covering infrastructure, continuous deployment, and more.
Probabilistic Programming from Scratch
Mike Lee Williams demonstrates building a lightweight probabilistic programming system from scratch with Python. He also explores how solving problems using PyMC3.
Behavioral Economics and ChatBots
Jim Clark looks at a few strategies, including the ability to present information when it’s needed, actionable messages and the alignment of values with actual outcomes, and more.
Smart Speakers: Designing for the Human
Charles Berg explains how product developers can create experiences that will be meaningful to the user - designers should focus more on the context of the user and less on the piece of hardware.
Rethinking HCI with Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsco
Adam Berenzweig discusses what happens when we decouple the user interface from hand-held hardware, as well as the emerging field of neural interaction design.
UI Evolving, Platform Evolving, Architecture Evolving
Xianning Liu explains the user interaction paradigm shift in the industry, and how to evolve the enterprise architecture to support these changes.
Ethics in Computing, from Academia to Industry
Kathy Pham highlights considerations of ethics, social responsibility, and long-term impacts of software industry products, and the culture to build software and services for all people.
Spurring the Ethical Imagination
Natalie Evans Harris discusses how to incorporate ethical decision-making and identify ethical dilemmas working with data.
Organizing for Your Ethical Principles
Liz Fong-Jones discusses how to effectively accomplish change in our working conditions or our employer's products through grassroots employee advocacy.
Ethics in Computing Panel
The panelists discuss the important points around privacy, security, safety online, and intent of software today.
Data, GDPR & Privacy: Doing It "Right" without Losing It All
Amie Durr talks about the privacy concerns and subsequent regulations, and how to operate a business that does the "Right" thing for the consumer, without impact the ability to innovate and grow.