InfoQ Homepage QCon New York 2016 Content on InfoQ
Reaching Production Faster with Containers in Testing
David Xia explains how Helios testing framework drives integration tests and spins up self-contained environments during test runs, increasing Spotify’s code quality and successful deployments.
Membership, Dissemination and Population Protocols
Sean Cribbs discusses practical applications of academic research with a large scale distributed system, as well as membership and dissemination protocols and their application in practice.
Applying Java 8 Idioms to Existing Code
Trisha Gee highlights the performance benefits of using Java 8, pros and cons, identifying code that makes sense to refactor with lambdas and streams, and what changes provide the most benefit.
Chaos Kong - Endowing Netflix with Antifragility
Luke Kosewski describes Flow, how it adds value to a microservice architecture, what preconditions must be met for such a recovery mechanism to succeed, and tells the story of a 2015 Q4 outage.
Machine Learning Fast and Slow
Suman Deb Roy talks about some of Betaworks’ internal data tools and platform, product-specific solutions and best practices they learned when machine learning has to drive the startup road.
API-first Architecture Transformation at Etsy
Stefanie Schirmer talks about the case study of building an API-first architecture at Etsy, why they built it, the tools used, the mistakes made and the lessons learnt along the way.
Getting Towards Real Sandbox Containers
Jessie Frazelle discusses the differences between application sandboxes and containers, including rootless containers, custom AppArmor profiles, seccomp profiling, and the future of container security
Unorthodox Paths to High Performance
Alex Rasmussen examines some lessons learned while building record-setting sorting systems at UC San Diego.
Understanding Hardware Transactional Memory
Gil Tene talks about new speculative and optimistic locking mechanisms enabled by HTM (Hardware Transactional Memory), HTM's benefits and limitations, speculating on its future impact on concurrency.
Safe Systems Programming in C# and .NET
Joe Duffy shares some of his key experiences from building an entire operating system in a C# dialect and dealing with errors and concurrency robustly, focusing on open source C# and .NET.
Access and Secret Management in Cloud Services
Ryan Lane talks about the concepts and tooling for wrangling identity, access management, and secrets (passwords, ssl certificates, access tokens, etc.) in cloud services.
Adaptive Availability for Quality of Service
Theo Schlossnagle talks about lessons learned in building an always-on distributed time-series database with aggressive quality of service guarantees, and techniques for dealing with bad machines.