InfoQ Homepage QCon San Francisco 2015 Content on InfoQ
Flying Faster with Heron
Karthik Ramasamy presents the design and implementation of Heron, the new de facto stream data processing engine at Twitter. Ramasamy shares Twitter’s experience of running Heron in production.
Rethinking Streaming Analytics for Scale
Helena Edelson addresses new architectures emerging for large scale streaming analytics based on Spark, Mesos, Akka, Cassandra and Kafka (SMACK) or Apache Flink or GearPump.
Connecting Stream Processors to Databases
Gian Merlino discusses stream processors and a common use case - keeping databases up to date-, the challenges they present, with examples from Kafka, Storm, Samza, Druid, and others.
Broken Performance Tools
Brendan Gregg focuses on broken tools and metrics instead of the working ones. Metrics can be misleading, and counters can be counter-intuitive. He advises on how to approach new performance tools.
Java vs. C Performance
Cliff Click takes a look at Java vs C performance. He discusses both languages' strong and weak points and the programming context surrounding language choices.
Profilers Are Lying Hobbits (and we hate them!)
Nitsan Wakart discusses concrete cases in which profilers misguide, misrepresent and at times subvert the systems they aim to help us diagnose.
How to I/O?
Todd Montgomery discusses the challenges of I/O, as software and hardware change rapidly and conventional wisdom must evolve to keep up, revisiting old ideas with new and different perspectives.
How NOT to Measure Latency
Gil Tene provides an in-depth overview of Latency and Response Time Characterization, including proven methodologies for measuring, reporting, and investigating latencies, including pitfalls to avoid.
Creating a Rainstorm Using Infrared and C#
Lisa Taylor shares the story of programming trial and error. Using C#, JavaScript, pixels and bitmaps, loops and infrared light she created a digital rainstorm inside a shipping container.
Go On, Say Yes, And…
Jeanine Spence explores the customer centric and iteration concepts of Design Thinking as an approach to problem solving through the lens of the personal, presenting 5 ways to put them into practice.
Tap into Greatness
Sarah Singer-Nourie shares the secrets to optimizing and upgrading your own default settings, choosing your impact and tapping into your energy, to step into the optimal version of yourself every time
NET Machine Learning: F# and Accord.NET
Alena Hall presents various machine learning algorithms available in Accord.NET - a framework for machine learning and scientific computing in .NET.