InfoQ Homepage QCon San Francisco 2014 Content on InfoQ
Concurrency at Large-Scale: The Evolution to Reactive Microservices
Randy Shoup, Consulting CTO, shares the history of reactive services and visits key milestones in their evolution: async techniques at Google, real-time search at Ebay, & responsive games at Kixeye.
Explore Your Data: The Fundamentals of Network Analysis
Amy Heineike covers how to construct clean (and avoid hairball) networks, effective ways to analyze them, as well as open source options for visualizing and interacting with your graphs.
Evolution of the PayPal API Platform: Enabling the Future of Money
Deepak Nadig discusses how PayPal’s API Platform evolved both internally and externally, the principles and patterns used, and how it is enabling the future of Money.
Metrics-Driven Prioritization
Sam McAfee outlines an approach they are using at Neo to help their clients integrate business metrics and probabilistic modeling into their prioritization process.
Engineering the Resolution Center to Drive Success at Airbnb
Alvin Sng discusses the important engineering aspects of the Resolution Center’s development.
Experimenting on Humans
Aviran Mordo and Talya Gendler explain how their engineering team is supporting product managers in making the right decisions and getting their product roadmap on the right path.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too -- Further Dispelling the Myths of the Lambda Architecture
Tyler Akidau from Google demonstrates Google's Millwheel, a streaming system that promises low latency, strong consistency, and flexibility without relying on Lambda Architecture.
Not Exactly! Fast Queries via Approximation Algorithms
Fangjin Yang, creator of Druid, shows how approximation algorithms can help system scale out linearly and process huge amount of data quickly with small memory footprint.
The Evolution of Continuous Delivery at Scale @ Linkedin
Jason Toy talks about the evolution and history of LinkedIn's release strategy.
How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Deploying the Netflix API Service
Sangeeta Narayanan goes over how Netfix got to the current continuous delivery state, the lessons they learnt and the successes they enjoyed along the way.
Facebook’s iOS Architecture
Ari Grant discusses how Facebook is iterating its mobile products, continuing to increase the richness of the content and speed at which it is delivered.
Yo - Notification as the Message Itself
Or Arbel discusses how Yo's platform enables developers and users to communicate using push notifications.