InfoQ Homepage QCon San Francisco 2019 Content on InfoQ
Does Java Need Inline Types? What Project Valhalla Can Bring to Java
Sergey Kuksenko talks about the performance benefits inline types bring to Java and how to exploit them. Inline/value types are the key part of experimental project Valhalla.
ML's Hidden Tasks: A Checklist for Developers When Building ML Systems
Jade Abbott discusses the set of unexpected things that go on the "take it to production" checklist in the case of machine learning, and what are the tools that can help.
Snowflake Architecture: Building a Data Warehouse for the Cloud
Thierry Cruanes covers the three pillars of the Snowflake architecture.
Observability in the SSC: Seeing Into Your Build System
Ben Hartshorne describes the transformation that Honeycomb went through, when they dropped build times by 40% and gave themselves the ability to track build times and asset sizes over time.
It Really Is a Series of Tubes
Molly Wright Steenson goes in-depth into one of the largest information networks of its day, the pneumatic tubes, and provides a historical comparison to the development of modern digital networks.
Programming the Cloud: Empowering Developers to Do Infrastructure
Luke Hoban looks at some of the leading solutions across various different domains, to highlight areas where developers are starting to take ownership of cloud infrastructure more directly.
Shifting Left with Cloud Native CI/CD
Christie Wilson describes what to expect from CI/CD in 2019, and how Tekton is helping bring that to as many tools as possible, such as Jenkins X and Prow.
Java 8 LTS to the Latest - a Performance & Responsiveness Perspective
Monica Beckwith and Anil Kumar discuss Java JDK 8u LTS to the latest JDK 13 major changes, as well as impact on performance and responsiveness to backported JDK 11u LTS.
CI/CD for Machine Learning
Sasha Rosenbaum shows how a CI/CD pipeline for Machine Learning can greatly improve both productivity and reliability.
Incident Management in the Age of DevOps & SRE
Damon Edwards takes a look at the techniques that high-performing operations organizations are using to finally transform how they identify, mobilize, and respond to incidents.
Building a Successful Remote Culture at Scale with Strong Ownership
Sushma Nallapeta talks about instilling ownership through delegation and goal setting and differentiating between accountability and ownership.
The Common Pitfalls of Cloud Native Software Supply Chains
Daniel Shapira talks about some of the common security vulnerabilities found in cloud-native environments and why it’s important to take security measures immediately to protect instances in the cloud