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Ian Robinson and Jim Webber on Web-based Integration
In this interview, recorded at QCon London 2009, Ian Robinson and Jim Webber talk to Stefan Tilkov about the Web as a platform for integration, the usefulness of various degrees of RESTful HTTP and the benefits of REST in theory and practice.
Eric Nelson on VS 2010 and .NET 4.0
In this interview Eric Nelson talks about what’s coming in VS 2010, the C# – VB.NET convergence, the introduction of Parallel as a library, and Azure cloud computing.
Eric Evans on the State of DDD
At QCon San Francisco, 2008, Eric Evans answers questions about his recent activities and the evolution of DDD. During the interview he responds to questions about the relationship of DDD to usability, to FIT and FITnesse type testing, technology tools, and domain-specific languages. He also speaks about the DDD community as a whole.
Rich Hickey on Clojure's Features and Implementation
In this interview taped at QCon London 2009, Rich Hickey talks about all things Clojure: Software Transactional Memory, concurrency, persistent data structures, ports, AOT compilation, and more.
Stu Charlton Discusses the Semantic Web
In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Stu Charlton discusses what the Semantic Web is, RDFa, large-scale adoption of Semantic Web, the SPARQL query language, implementing Semantic Web capabilities in an application, triple stores, and performing a Semantic Web query.
Joseph Yoder on Adaptive Object Model Architecture
In this interview Joseph Yoder talks about the Adaptive Object Model (AOM) architecture, a software architecture for easily adapting to changing business requirements.
Joseph Molnar discusses scanR
In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Joseph Molnar discusses scanR, choosing .Net for scanR, the architecture of scanR, working with mobile carriers, scaling, challenges which were encountered, .Net components and libraries used, major problems encountered and their solutions, managing scanR, and what would be done differently if scanR was rewritten from scratch.
Paul Hudak on Haskell
An interview that begins with a discussion of when to introduce difficult Haskell concepts like monads, moves to a discussion of the philosophy of higher order programming, the success and influence of Haskell, its use in the mainstream, and concludes with the idea of teaching computer music and Haskell simultaneously.
Geir Magnusson on Cloud Computing
Geir Magnusson answers questions about the definition of Cloud Computing, how cloud computing affects application development, concerns about vendor lock-in, the impact of open source for in Java evolution, Apache Harmony, and Apache Geronimo projects
Ross Mason Discusses MuleSource, Mule ESB and Galaxy
In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ross Mason discusses Mule, the role of an ESB, Enterprise Edition versus Community Edition, monitoring and MuleHQ, REST support, cloud-based deployments, Galaxy, governance, Mule integrations, community interaction via MuleForge, and the impact of the current recession upon open source software.
Development Tools for the Open Web
Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith open with a definition of the Open Web, the tension arising from multiple Web technologies, the diversity and "polyphony" of Open Source, the future of Web development tools, and the debate associated with the possible evolution of Javascript. The potential impact of HTML 5 on tool and Web development in general is discussed.
Stu Charlton on Cloud Computing
In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Stu Charlton discusses cloud computing, differences between traditional and cloud hosting, platform versus infrastructure cloud, how cloud will change software development and deployment, avoiding vendor lock-in, moving a system into the cloud, the benefits of clouds to small/medium size businesses, and cloud tool support.