InfoQ Homepage QCon Software Development Conference Content on InfoQ
Several Components are Rendering: Client Performance at Slack-Scale
Jenna Zeigen discusses front-end performance issues encountered by Slack as they continue to grow and evolve the desktop app.
Combating AI-Generated Fake Images with JavaScript Libraries
Kate Sills discusses JavaScript libraries to use for cryptographic hashes, digital signatures and timestamping, the traditional archival process, and how cryptographic hashes can prevent tampering.
Success Patterns in for Building Cyber-Physical Systems with Agile
Robin Yeman demonstrates that there is a mission imperative to migrate from phase gate approach to Scaled Agile to increase safety for stakeholders.
Durable Execution for Control Planes: Building Temporal Cloud on Temporal
Sergey Bykov discusses the concept of Durable Execution, with a real world example of how they used it to build the Control Plane for Temporal Cloud.
Protecting APIs in Financial Services with Zero Trust Overlay Mesh Networks
Clint Dovholuk reviews the three components of OpenZiti's architecture: controller, edge routers, and SDKs, in addition to diving into the internal physical and logical architecture of OpenZiti.
Generative AI: Shaping a New Future for Fraud Prevention
Neha Narkhede discusses a vision for fraud and risk management that leverages the advancements in generative AI.
Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops
Fred Hebert discusses various small approaches and patterns that influence how teams deal with reliability, and highlights some of the key interactions and behaviors.
Effective Performance Engineering at Twitter-Scale
Yao Yue recapitulates scaling a project at Twitter while summarizing some key lessons learned about effective performance engineering.
Platform and Features MLEs, a Scalable and Product-Centric Approach for High Performing Data Products
Massimo Belloni discusses the lessons learnt in the last couple of years around organizing a Data Science Team and the Machine Learning Engineering efforts at Bumble Inc.
Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture
Chris Price discusses cellular architecture, its merits, design options with cellularization, and how to effectively isolate at the level of an AWS account.
Achieving SLSA Certification with a “Bring-Your-Own-Builder” Framework
Asra Ali discusses recent work that allows one to wrap existing tools into a SLSA-compliant builder with minimal effort on existing open-source CI/CD platforms.
How Do We Talk to Each Other? How Surfacing Communication Patterns in Organizations Can Help You Understand and Improve Your Resilience
Nora Jones discusses how communication patterns in organizations can reveal how systems actually work in practice, vs how we think they work in theory.