InfoQ Homepage QCon New York 2013 Content on InfoQ
Lessons from Building and Scaling LinkedIn
Jay Kreps discusses the evolution of LinkedIn's architecture and lessons learned scaling from a monolithic application to a distributed set of services, from one database to distributed data stores.
Can Technology Innovation Save The New York Times?
Marc Frons discusses the New York Times’ digital subscription model. Rajiv Pant shares their experiences transitioning to continuous delivery, and using NodeJS, Scala, cloud and big data.
Facebook Messages: Backup & Replication Systems on HBase
Nicolas Spiegelberg discusses Facebook Messages built on top of HBase, the systems involved and the scaling challenges for handling 500TB of new data per month.
Surviving in a Feudal Security World
Bruce Schneier puts security in the context of today's allegiance to cloud and SaaS providers, the recent news about PRISM and the lack of privacy for us as citizens.