InfoQ Homepage Reactive Programming Content on InfoQ
Real-Time Functional Reactive Programming with Erlang
Peer Stritzinger, Kilian Holzinger discuss and show cyber-physical systems implemented with FRP-Erlang running on GRiSP, a bare-metal board running Erlang.
A Journey of Mobile, Microservices, and Speed to Market at the World's Largest Home Improvement Retailer
Dustin Bennet and Jermaine Davis overview the mobile landscape at The Home Depot, where they are in the journey, and where they want to be, along with code examples in Go and React.
JDBC, What Is It Good For?
Thomas Risberg reviews what has been happening in the world of JDBC lately and how it fits with the latest trends like Reactive, Non-Blocking APIs, Microservices, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
Reactive Front-Ends with RxJS and Angular
Sergi Almar introduces the fundamentals of RxJS, explaining how to manage data streams like UI events, async HTTP requests, and WebSockets / SSE in a uniform way.
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and React
Matt Raible shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, React, and TypeScript.
Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access
Mark Paluch explains what happens inside the Spring Data reactive driver and how data is accessed in a reactive setting.
Spring Security 5: The Reactive Parts
Rob Winch demonstrates using the reactive support in Spring Security 5, starting with a simple application and incrementally securing it, showing how to architect security in a reactive application.
Reactive DDD: Modeling Uncertainty
Vaughn Vernon discusses how the uncertainty introduced by vastly distributed systems can be finessed into highly functioning, business-centric systems, that teams can design, develop, and reason about
Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 Containers
Violeta Georgieva explains using the Servlet/Reactive Streams bridge to create reactive applications that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat or any Servlet 3.1 compatible containers.
Reactive Data Access with Spring Data
Christoph Strobl and Mark Paluch discuss non-blocking data access using Spring Data for NoSQl data stores and Project Reactor.
Reactive Spring
Josh Long and Mark Heckler take a look at the Netty-based web runtime, how existing servlet code can run on it, and how to integrate it with existing Spring-stack technologies.
Designing, Implementing and Using Reactive APIs
Ben Hale and Paul Harris discuss why the Cloud Foundry Java Client team chose to use a reactive API for a microservice architecture, API built with Project Reactor.